St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

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Brook Road, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire WD6 5HL

020 8953 3753

St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Growing and learning together, as part of God’s family, to be the best we can be.

  1. Catholic Life
  2. Catholic Life of School

Catholic Life of the School and Mission

 "The school's strong values, such as having respect for others, are evident throughout the school. Pupils enjoy good relationships with staff. There is a strong sense of community with the school and working together is important to all."

(Ofsted January 2020)

St Teresa of the Child Jesus

We have been learning about St Teresa, our school saint. St Teresa was young when she died but she inspired many in her life. St Teresa reminds us that our bodies are here on earth to do the work of Christ. She showed us her 'little way'. Through this we are inspired to make a small change each day to make life better for others. It might be that we send a smile around the room, comfort a friend, help out at home or do an act of charity


Saints Points

Every child when they start at St Teresa's is placed in one of five houses that they will remain in for the their whole time at the school.  We aim to place siblings in the same house. 

They have thought about the life of our saints and what virtues they showed us. This helps us to think about what our schools mission statement means: 'Growing and learning together as part of God's family to be the best that we can be'.

The system is aimed at encouraging a healthy team ethos and points are earned for behaviour as well as achievement, in the classroom and around the school as well as on sports days.  

Our Saint Points

St Elizabeth of the Trinity



St Josephine Bakhita



St John Paul II



Saint Patrick



Saint Martin de Porres
