St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

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St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Growing and learning together, as part of God’s family, to be the best we can be.

  1. Classes
  2. Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

 Class Teacher: Miss Fisher

Teaching Assistant: Miss Hackett

Learning Support Assistant: Ms Curran

Class Timetable


This half-term, we are learning: 

Autumn Term

This term year 4 have been learning about the Bible and the people who trusted in God. We discovered how Abraham showed great trust and faith in God when he went into the desert and we created artwork to reflect this. We used splatters of white paint in order to create a background of stars, to represent the promise God made to Abraham about the number of his descendants. Then we drew a picture of Abraham showing his faith in God and his plan for him.

Spring Term 

This term we have been looking at electricity in science and creating circuits for torches in design and technology. We investigated how to be safe around electricity and then created our own circuits. While creating circuits we identified that you need a complete circuits in order for the electricity to flow.