St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

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020 8953 3753

St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Growing and learning together, as part of God’s family, to be the best we can be.

  1. Curriculum
  2. English
  3. Spelling

Spelling at St Teresa's

St Teresa's uses a consistent approach to the teaching of spelling across the school. Spellings are taught systematically through dedicated lessons during the week. 

We begin by ensuring children are exposed to a high quality phonics programme which follows the Little Wandle scheme. In year 2, there is a transition from phonics phase 5 to a formal spelling lesson. At the appropriate time for the cohort and individual children we begin systematic teaching of Spellings alongside phonics sessions. 

At St Teresa's, in Key Stage two, we follow the national curriculum using the Spelling Shed scheme which supports staff in their understanding of, and planning for, clear progression in spelling skills.

In addition, class teachers also track and monitor progress in spelling common exception words and statutory word lists.

 Key words for topic lessons and specific English units are shared via word banks and other means and an expectation is that children will use these words correctly. 

 Spellings are also taught and discussed as they arise in specific lessons or when identified as a class need. When marking work no more than 3 spellings will be highlighted and these are marked according to the teachers’ assessment of the child’s capability.

Spelling teaching sequence


A spelling rule is generally taught across a series of five lessons in school. Lessons follow the teaching sequence: 


Revisit / Explain / Use

Teach / Model / Define

Practice / Explore / Investigate

Apply / Assess / Reflect